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An Exciting, Smart Event at Maristar

Maristar always amazes and delights with the many fun events held at this happening place. A recent one showcased a fashion show featuring OUTDWELL by Oscar Lee and there were also smart cars plus a special appearance by LASH eyewear from Korea. Then there were the fragrances by ARK which were appealing and had a unique concept.

(Front, from left) Elizabeth Marini (Vice President of The Marini’s Group), Oscar Lee (Creative Director and Founder of OUTDWELL) and Sua Chek Hoong (Chief Information Officer of PRO-NET) posing with the OUTDWELL models.

Before we entered Maristar, what we first noticed were the fantastic looking Smart Cars (distributed by PRO-NET) that were parked outside. Full electric vehicles, we were impressed by the features of the cars. Not only did the vehicles look great, the performance and everything that came with the cars made them really attractive. After all, smart cars are the way to go and the ones which were displayed are in a top class of their own. If you get a chance, do test drive one. Your next car will probably be an electric one as you will be highly impressed. Electric vehicles are becoming all the rage now and if you decide to invest in one, you will be contributing towards saving the environment too. Visit https://my.smart.com/# for more information. PRO-NET is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Proton, tasked with the distribution of smart vehicles and EVs. It operates under a separate management team and staff.

When we stepped inside Maristar, we were once again struck by its inviting, energising ambience which makes it a great place to hang out at and party the night away. We were then invited into one of the rooms, which was done up beautifully to show us the special scents by ARK that had been developed for the smart cars, in a collaboration with the car company. They also displayed EDP fragrances with interesting names such as “Old France” and “Soul” and we learnt that while we can opt to buy some of the perfumes that are available, clients can also choose to create special scents on request. We enthusiastically learnt more about the ones which had been specially concocted for the smart cars and guests were given delightful sample gifts they could try.

We were also introduced to some fascinating eyewear which were being displayed. LASH eyewear is popular and well-known in Korea and we could see why they are in demand when we saw the designs they come in. Later during the night, the models wore the eyewear during the OUTDWELL fashion show and also when they posed with the smart cars. If looking for good quality, fashionable glasses for your eyes, LASH is certainly a label to check out. Visit lasheyewear.com for more information about the brand.

Guests were also introduced to OUTDWELL. It was my first time seeing the attire by OUTDWELL and I found the fashion creations to be innovative and striking as they seem to promote self expression. We learnt that all the concepts and ideas are based on “being yourself”. New materials and shapes are developed into collections that reflect identity.

OUTDWELL embraces innovative techniques and their Creative Director, Oscar Lee, designs outfits that will stand out in a crowd. OUTDWELL takes inspiration from Music, Art, Film and Photography. Oscar created OUTDWELL as a statement to show that it’s okay to be lost, confused and vulnerable at times as it’s never too late to find yourself. He also wishes to show that hip hop style can be different … it can be modern yet styled as an everyday outfit. OUTDWELL wants their audience to express themselves in their own way … to be comfortable in their own skin.

All in all, it was an exciting evening that went into the late night and became a time to remember. Maristar is indeed a place to see and be seen at. One can spend cherished happy hours and experience joyous moments there. Many of the lovely and happening people in town can be seen frequenting the place and enjoying all it has to offer.

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