Culinary Marvels of Turkiye are a Must-Try
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Culinary Marvels of Turkiye are a Must-Try

Türkiye’s ancient and sustainable culinary culture is certainly something to appreciate. Food enthusiasts would surely be fans of Turkish cuisine. One of the reasons to visit Turkey undoubtedly would be their delicious dishes and gastronomic delights. Every year, a Turkish Cuisine Week is held and the most recent one was just as interesting and fantastic….

How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep?
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How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep?

Getting sufficient and quality sleep is essential for mental and physical health. Despite sleep being important, 60% of adults are having trouble getting quality sleep. Many of them feel sleepy during the day. Though there’s a wide range of sleeping problems like insomnia, narcolepsy and sleep apnea which needs medical diagnosis and intervention, some sleeping…

Superfoods-Are they a Myth or a Superhero?
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Superfoods-Are they a Myth or a Superhero?

There is no specific definition for the term “superfoods”. However, it is commonly used to describe foods rich in nutrients and antioxidants that can provide health benefits. Despite superfood gaining much footage, in reality, there is no food that can offer every single nutrition component or health benefit that we need. There is also no…

Alcohol – The Great and The Not so Great!
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Alcohol – The Great and The Not so Great!

Alcoholic drinks have got a bad reputation out there. But are they truly bad? The Internet is full of mixed messages and thoughts about the good and bad of alcohol. On the one hand, moderate amounts have been linked to having multiple health benefits. On the other hand, alcohol is addictive and many need admissions…

Does Spicy Food Cause Hemorrhoids?
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Does Spicy Food Cause Hemorrhoids?

Spicy food can cause issues like gastric or diarrhea but they for sure cannot cause hemorrhoids.  Hemorrhoids mainly happen due to constipation. Due to excessive straining, many times the veins near the anus become inflamed. The prolonged swelling of the veins become hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids can also develop from increased pressure in the lower rectum due to:…

Water or Isotonic Drink Post-Exercise?
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Water or Isotonic Drink Post-Exercise?

Water is generally sufficient for exercises that span less than an hour. Isotonic drinks are suitable for: Not taking sports drinks during events like these may result in cramping, fatigue and poor performance. How to select an isotonic drink? Not all sports drinks are isotonic. Those that contain more than 10% of sugars (hypertonic) such…

Mythbusters: Is Artificial Sweetener healthier?
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Mythbusters: Is Artificial Sweetener healthier?

Statistically, the artificial sweetener industry is growing as many people are becoming diabetic and gaining weight. Many people have started cutting down sugar but they can’t get over their cravings and their habitual sweet tooth indulgence. However, despite artificial sweeteners being an alternative to sugar, the fear around this item lingers. Is it safe? Does…