Daily Habits that Will Reform Your Day

Habits are a funny thing, some we are aware of but the majority we are blissfully unaware of because the definition of a habit is something we do automatically and for the most part — subconsciously.
As per the quote by Vince Lombardi, “Watch Your Actions, They Become Your Habits, Watch Your Habits, They Become Your Character”.
Your habits determine who you are and your future. So, don’t let negative habits hold you back. Start incorporating these simple yet essential habits as per below for a happier, fruitful and more productive life:
1-hour exercise

2 litre’s of water

3 daily affirmations

4 songs that motivate you

5 serving of vegetables and fruits

6 heart-warming hugs

7 pages of a book

8 hours of sleep

9 things to be grateful for

10 minutes of meditation

Adapted from: Chris Saad, Daily Habits That Will Change Your Life.