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Dear Parents, Tips to Prevent Drowning!

Drowning is the leading cause of death in children and teenagers. Drowning usually happens fast and silent. It can happen anywhere from pools to hot tubs and even in oceans, lakes, and rivers.

Below are some tips to prevent drowning:

1. Assign a Water Watcher

Tag worn by water watchers

•There should always be an adult water watcher while children are in and around any body of water.
•The watcher should not be preoccupied by their cell phone or work and should always keep their eyes on the kids.
•Water watcher should not be drinking alcohol or consuming any drowsy medications as this will affect concentration and judgment.

2. Use Fences, Alarm, Covers

Fence around a pool in Sacramento

•All pools and hot tubs should have a fence around them with a self-closing, locked gate.
•More protection can be added with door and window alarms that chime when opened to alert a parent that a child is going outside.
•If one is unable to fence up their hot spa or pool, make sure it is securely covered when not in use.

3. Have Kids Take Swim Lessons

Pre-school kids learning to swim

•Schedule swimming lessons for kids since young.
•Swimming lessons do not replace the need for a water watcher, but learning to swim makes drowning less likely.

4. Learn CPR & take note of drowning signs

A water watcher performing CPR on a dummy

•It is crucial to learn CPR since it is a first-line of response that can help save someone’s life in an emergency.
•CPR aims to keep oxygen moving to vital organs, especially the brain, until the heart can beat on its own again.
•Most drownings are unwitnessed hence be aware of drowning signs and know how to react in emergency.

5. Use Life Jackets & Floaties

A little girl with her life jacket on

•Children and adults should wear Coast Guard-approved life jackets when swimming to reduce risk of drowning.
•Water wings and other “floaties” do not protect children from drowning.

6. Check Home Safety

Not watching a baby during bath time could lead to drowning

•Empty all bathtubs, baby pools, and water buckets after use.
•Put locks on bathroom doors and toilets and consider more home water safety improvements such as drain covers and fence around the pool.

7. Don’t hyperventilate or hold your breath for a long time

Avoid holding breath underwater for a long time or you may faint and this is one of the causes of drowning

Do not hyperventilate before swimming underwater or hold your breath underwater for long periods of time. This can cause one to pass out and drown.

Preventing Drowning. CDC.

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